Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)Remember all those cliffhanger serials from the 1930's and 40's from RKO and Republic Studios, like "Shazam!", "Captain America", "Buck Rogers", "Atomic Man" and not to mention all those G-men episodes? In '79 they were all pared down and hilariously recut (with new dialogue and story) into the most hysterical - and most politically incorrect - movie I bet you've never seen. Courtesy of the hip comedy troupe known as Firesign Theatre. The instant cult status this movie achieved on late-night cable TV in the early 80's, paved the way for Steve Martin's modestly successful and more mainstream attempt at that kind of concept called "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid". But, Firesign's effort is more contraversial, subversive, outrageous and silly - and, moreover, far funnier.
The plot, such as it is, is about the straight-as-an-arrow, but definitely un-hip, mixed bag of government agents and superheroes at war with the hip, but hilariously (and deliriously) power-mad, disguise-changing, rock-and-roll ruler of the Moon, and his minions, bent on dominating Earth - their secret weapon? - potentially deadly doses of rock music! And, if that's not enough, controlled substances which can turn Earth's citizens into slaves! It's up to the government to fight back the only way they know how - with muzak! This is not only a send-up of those Hollywood vehicles themselves, but also a second look at them using what one critic calls the "more drastically hip filter which we, at almost anytime since the relatively drug-crazed 70's at least, now can't help but see them through". It's sex, drugs and rock and roll vs. the establishment, like you've never quite seen it before, as the classic war is hysterically and slyly grafted onto the cliffhangers themselves. The result is purely outrageous camp! Definitely a good thing here. This flick is sheer provocative fun and has more quotable dialogue, per minute of run time, than almost any other movie I can think of. But, due to its obvious references to pot smoking and innuendo, this is certainly not for your kids. For that matter, it's not for your parents either! While it may push the envelope, some will see it all as a big (but ultimately harmless enough) joke and others will see it as one of the most flagrantly pro-marajuana comedies ever made(!) - a.k.a. "The Day The Earth Got Stoned". But try not to let that throw you too much - to its credit, it's gotta be the absolutely non-stop funniest look at that ever-increasingly taboo subject there is, and I'd like to imagine you're only cheating yourself if you miss it :-). This movie ran a handful of times on a show called "USA's Night Flight", but was yanked when the movie drew too much flak - even though, by that time, it had also become "Night Flight"'s most requested video. According to the back cover of the DVD, it remained so for that show's entire run of 8 years. If it ever made it to VHS shortly thereafter, it was a very limited run, and, as a result, this movie hasn't been widely seen. That it's now being released on video at all, after so many years, must mean that either PC is on the wane, or that some overworked, underpaid censor unwittingly let this one slip through. In any case, I suggest you snap this one up, before the so-called "powers-that-be" come to their senses (and before John Ashcroft launches his own "Operation Interrupt"! - see the movie). Insanely funny camp, with an underground edge. WAY recommended!!
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