
Sharpe's Challenge (2006) Review

Sharpe's Challenge (2006)
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If you're a Sharpe fan, you won't be disappointed with this newest installment of the television interpretations of Bernard Cornwell's novels. Yes, you're right, this one is a mishmash of the three books (Sharpe's Tiger, Triumph and Fortress) set in India, and Sharpe's age had to be fiddled with to accomodate the always gorgeous Sean Bean, but who really cares? In Challenge, Sharpe is no longer the young Sergeant with the bad attitude and short temper from the books, he is the older, retired officer with the bad attitude and short temper that we learned to love in the 90's on the telly. Same deal, right? We aren't arguing with anything that brings either Sharpe or Sean back to our televisions.
Challenge has the usual entertaining Sharpe storyline of beautiful heroine in distress, incompetent and untrustworthy British officers (including the always deliciously evil Simmerson, (Michael Cochrone) back for a reprise and Major Dodd, a sneering Toby Stephens at his evil best), faithful Sgt. Harper, exotic locations and lots of shooting and killing. Plus elephants, always a great addition to any story and not used enough in this film, and a conniving evil Indian Queen. Short cameos by Wellington and Ramona (Harper's wife) are a nice touch.
Assaults (military and romantic), mystery, treachery, bravery and, as always, instructions on how to load and fire three rounds in a minute. Great fun all around.
Okay, maybe Sean has aged a little, but he still fills out the green jacket (and pants) JUST FINE. And, of course, any gratitutous shirtless scenes only add to the enjoyment!
Sharpe's Challenge is just as much fun as any of the others in the series, better than some, definitely had more money to spend. Grab your rifle and fall in!

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A year after the battle of Waterloo, dispatches from India warn that a local Maharaja is threatening British interests. Wellington sends Sharpe to investigate on what turns out to be his most dangerous mission to date. The last scout sent, Sharpe's best friend Sergeant Harper -- has gone missing and reports suggests that the real power behind the risings is Colonel Dodd, a malcontent East India Company Officer, and that the Maharaja has gathered into his impregnable fort. Once inside the fort things do not quite go as Sharpe has planned.

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