
Mystery Science Theater 3000: Creeping Terror Review

Mystery Science Theater 3000: Creeping Terror
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No movie comes close to being as bad as The Creeping Terror.
At many points, it seems as the director refused to shoot scenes more than once. There is a point in which a hair is stuck to the camera, several other major video problems, and several times when the actors fall for no apparant reason.
The whole plot of the movie is the monster going around eating people, most of whom are making out at the time. The monster creeps up to them extremely slowly, none of them attempt to run, and then either the people climb into the monster, or they instantly appear halfway inside of it.
There is basically no dialogue in the movie. Whenever people are talking, the narrator just explains what it is they're talking about.
Most of the scenes in the movie are completely pointless, and some are unrelated to the rest of the movie. While the monster is eating a group of people who are conveniently standing in a corner waiting to be eaten, it for some reason flashes several times to a scene of two men fighting. All of the other scenes are long and unnecessary, and involve people doing very little for several minutes, then getting eaten by the monster.
There are also some things that just don't make sense. At one part, a man suddenly explodes for no apparant reason, and it is not explained later in the movie.
I've seen a lot of MST3K episodes, but none of them come even close to being as funny as The Creeping Terror. Most MST3K movies are boring and have little plot, but this movie is actively horrible, as if the people making it were complete idiots, or just didn't care at all how it would turn out. Mike and the robots don't even have to make that many comments, because the movie is just so amazingly and obviously bad, although the skits are funny as well. I think everyone should see this movie.

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